黄金5分钟 一片绿做空趋势

15分钟 震荡 偏空

黄金总体大概率还是下跌。今天坡新低点 反弹出信号继续做空

The trend of short selling in green within 5 minutes of gold

15 minute oscillation bias

The overall probability of gold falling is still high. Today, the rebound signal from the new low point on the slope continues to sell short

作者 admin

九稳量化交易系统 是一套高胜率策略趋势跟踪系统,系统最大优势就是开仓位置精确,信号不漂移 不延迟 同步行情信号 拒绝马后面!www.gao998.cn 微信 fxfx668998


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